Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Let Them See You Read: Fostering a Love for Books in Children

"I don't like school and I hate to read!" My second grader sobbed as I sat at the kitchen table, watching helplessly as giant tears dropped on her folded hands.

"But reading is wonderful! Why don't you like it?" I pressed.

"Because the words are hard and the stories I have to read are boring. And you're always telling me to read faster!"

Read the rest of this post at the Portland Moms Blog.

Finding Your Balance in Motherhood: Hang on to your Hobbies

Motherhood is synonymous with sacrifice. From the moment of conception, we sacrifice our bodies. As our bellies grow, so do the stretch marks. Moms sacrifice sleep, hot meals, and sanity. Oh, sweet sanity!

Read the rest of this post on the Portland Moms Blog